Isn’t it amazing how many people will put their own bodies and their own lives in harm’s way for the mere sake of acquiring a deep dark tan? Well, that is exactly what happens summer after summer, warm location after warm location. People are so obsessed with getting a deep dark and sexy tan in the summer months and will go to about every extreme to accomplish this remarkably vain task.
People fail to realize that varied skin types act and react differently to the sun’s UV rays, and that it is critical to be familiar with your own body skin type before setting out to bask in the sun and work on that all-important tan. Skin type plays a critical role in sun tanning and directly affects how a person will tan, when an individual should tan, and how long you should expose your body and skin to the sun for purposes of your tan.
Tanning is not a universal event, where everybody tans the same, abides by the same tanning techniques, and uses the same tanning products to enjoy and experience the same tanning results. This is completely contrary to the facts. In order to acquire the perfect suntan, it is necessary to first understand your body’s own skin type. A tanning routine will vary from person to person, and skin type to skin type, with no two tanning regimens being remotely the same.
Whether you are fair skinned, olive skinned, or dark skinned, it is critical to acquaint yourself with the appropriate sun exposure limits for your skin type, tanning products that are manufactured and suitable to your skin type, appropriate application of your specialized sunbathing products, and the appropriate time of day to expose your specific skin type to the sun’s UV rays.
If you are steadfast and focused on achieving that talked about suntan, then it is imperative that you put in place an appropriate and healthy tanning regimen that is specific to your skin type. Using a healthy tanning regimen will not only allow you to achieve that perfect tan, but will also assist in maintaining that same tan throughout the summer months. Different skin types and complexions require specific products, applications, timelines, and exposure limitations in order to achieve a healthy and long lasting sun tan. Without consistency in your routine, however, the results you achieve may be restricted and the duration of your tan limited. With that said, enough emphasis cannot be put on how important it is to know and understand your own personal skin type before beginning any tanning regimen.
Fair skinned people have, by far, the most delicate skin that is overly sensitive to the sun’s UV rays. People who have incredibly fair skin should truly NOT sun tan at all whether outside in the sun’s UV rays or by way of the many different indoor UV tanning methods available today. If you are adamant about sun tanning your fair skinned body, then the only practical means of doing so is by way of spray on tans.
Olive and dark skinned people can almost always acquire and maintain a deep dark suntan with the proper use of appropriate sun tanning products and appropriate exposure times to the sun’s UV rays. The risky effects of tanning in the sun’s natural UV rays are experienced more by those who are fair skinned, as opposed to olive and dark skinned people.
If your vain desire is to achieve a perfect bronzed summertime tan this year, then be certain you have a complete understanding of your personal skin type, you are familiar with the tanning products suited to your skin type, and you are apprised of the time limits your skin type should be exposed to the sun. Knowing your skin type will ultimately alleviate any negative effects such as sunburn, skin damage, and even the development of melanoma cancer cells. The vain truth is plain and simple – over exposure to the sun’s UV rays is incredibly harmful to the human body and can have dangerous and deadly side effects, but if you are so vain as to ignore these potential risk factors then at best, be wise, be cautious and be safe when sunbathing this year.

Paula Ryan is the creator of Spa tanning tablets. She has a PhD in nutritional sciences and is now studying food supplements further.
She lives in the south of England with her husband, daughter, and 2 cats. In her spare time she most enjoys, being a Mum, learning, cooking, keeping fit, and holidays abroad.