In years past it was believed that a sunscreen that had a 15 SPF offered a sufficient amount of UV protection under all types of conditions, for all skin types. However, over the past several years this thought process and belief has changed. When choosing a sunscreen, it is important to select one that blocks a sufficient amount of UV rays to protect your specific skin type. There is a wide range of sunscreens available on the market today that are suited to people’s skin complexion and tones.
Most people find it complicated to compare one sunscreen to another and ultimately select the product that is perfect for their skin type. Comparing active ingredients and attempting to understand the role each ingredient plays in the product can definitely be a challenge and a difficult task.

Though it is very important to choose the right sunscreen to protect your skin and avoid any type of damage to your body and your health, it is even more important to use the product correctly. The misuse of the “right” sunscreen can deliver unhealthy results that typically take the consumer by surprise.
Studies have offered the following sunscreen factor information that demonstrates skin type and appropriate SPF protection.
1. Very fair skin will more often than not, always burn and very rarely tan. Recommended SPF would be between 30 and 50 plus;
2. Fair skin will burn very easily and tans minimally. Recommended SPF is 30 to 50 plus;
3. Light skin will burn moderately and tans eventually. Recommended SPF is 15 to 30;
4. Medium skin will burn minimally and always tans well. Recommended SPF is 6 to 15;
5. Dark skin rarely ever burns and tans readily and easily. Recommended SPF is 2 to 10; and
6. Very dark skin never burns and becomes very deeply pigmented. Recommended SPF is 2 to 10.
In addition to this simple chart that will assist you in selecting the ideal sunscreen for you, it is important to know that people with very fair or extremely sensitive skin, people who have a history or skin cancer, and those people who use photo sensitizing medications may very well need a much higher SPF than the chart indicates.
In addition, regardless of skin type and complexion, if you plan on being exposed to the sun for an extended period of time, then it is best to use a sunscreen with a higher SPF. There are many sun care and suntan products on the market today that offer consumers a protection up to 80 SPF. Let’s face it. Most people love the beach, love sunbathing, and definitely love the confidence they possess when looking in the mirror at that perfect summer tan. However, it is crucial to take healthy measures when sun tanning and surely choosing the appropriate sunscreen that is suited to your skin type and complexion is exactly the protocol you need to follow.
So this summer, before you cosy up on that lawn chair or that beach blanket, or before you shuffle yourself and the kids off to the beach, take the appropriate time to research and determine which of the sunscreens on the market are best suited to you and certainly those that are best suited to your children’s skin type.