How true it is that everyone loves a tanned beautiful look and yes, everyone loves tanning. However, it is important for people to recognize that everybody has different skin types which directly affects how you tan, when you tan, and how long you tan. Tanning is definitely not a one-size fits all event. Achieving your perfect bronzed and beautiful tan requires a different regimen for every individual. The exposure of UV rays that is needed to actually get that incredible tan is far different for those people who are fair skinned as is also the case for those individuals that have a darker or olive skin complexion.

People who thrive on having a perfect tan regardless of the time of year, need to implement and consistently use a smart tanning regimen to acquire and maintain their tans. The first step of putting this important tanning regimen in place is understanding and determining what your exact skin type is. Again, a particular type of skin type and complexion requires a specific tanning regimen that incorporates products, timelines, and limits of exposure. We cannot emphasize enough how critically important it is to know and understand your own skin type before you set out to acquire a perfectly bronzed suntan.
The fairest of skin types referred known also as a skin type #1 are by far the most sensitive and delicate of skin types and typically should simply not suntan at all nor should they even entertain the thought of using UV tanning equipment because of the serious health and safety hazards that come into play. If tanning at all, individuals with Skin Type I should absolutely utilize other products such as spray on tanning products in their efforts to acquire a noticeable tanned complexion.
Darker skin types, however, can certainly acquire and develop a beautiful suntan, but again it is important to know and understand your own skin type and the type of tanning and exposure to UV rays that is best suited to your skin. Here is a helpful chart that identifies skin types and the tanning results that are typically achieved.
1. Skin Type 1 – light features that are remarkably sensitive to light. These people will always burn and should simply not tan. Tanning sprays are the best option for these people.
2. Skin Type 2 – features that are also light and also sensitive also to sunlight. These people will usually burn as well but may possibly tan lightly.
3. Skin Type 3 – normal features and a sensitivity to sunlight that is also normal. These people can burn from time to time but are able to tan moderately.
4. Skin Type 4 – skin is very capable of tolerating the sunlight. These people very seldom burn and tan moderately.
5. Skin Type 5 – naturally dark features and skin. These people can develop dark tans and will very rarely ever burn.
6 Skin Type 6 – black skin. These people rarely ever suffer from any type of sun damage or a burn of any type. Their level of tolerance to the sunlight is extreme. Tanning, however, does not have any real effect at all on individuals with skin type 6.
If you are looking to achieve that beautiful, noticeable sun tan this year, then be certain to fully recognize and know your own skin type before starting any tanning regimen. Knowing your skin type will contribute greatly to a successful tanning regimen and will certainly alleviate any painful sunburn or skin damage that could possibly occur by over exposing your body to direct UV rays and sunlight.